June 13th, 2014

IMG_0515The weather hasn’t let us fish for a couple days.  Early morning thunderstorms have chased us home each day.  It is supposed to get back to normal Sunday.  The last few weeks since my last report have been awesome.  We have had multiple releases every day but one.

For the next few weeks I expect there to be a ton of fish around the area.  In the bay, along the beaches and down in the sound.  The tons of bait this area holds will keep them here till the fall as usual.  The best months are still to come!!!

I will report back soon with a lot of new photos.

For faster updated reports with photos, Check out my Facebook page!

Florida Fishing Charters, Tarpon Fishing Charters

Till then, Keep the line tight and bow when they jump!

Capt. Mark Bennett


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Tarpon Season Report